What do you earn as a physiotherapist in Switzerland?

Ben van Dee
3 min reading time
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Swiss salaries are a lot more attractive than what you earn in the Netherlands! We'd love to tell you more about what to expect.

Salary as a starting physiotherapist

As a recently graduated physiotherapist, you start in Switzerland with a gross monthly salary of between €5,500 and €6,000. That's a nice difference with the Netherlands, where starters earn between 2,118 and 2,400 euros! On an annual basis, we then talk about €70,000 (and then you get another 13th month!).

Growing in salary

Of course, your salary grows with your experience. You can count on approximately €100 gross per month per year of experience. With 10 years of experience, you are therefore already on a good annual salary of around €85,000 (excluding that happy 13th month).

Where in Switzerland do you earn the most as a physio?

Your salary does not only depend on your experience and training. The place where you work also makes a difference. In cantons such as Zurich and Lucerne, salaries are somewhat higher than in Tessin and Waadt. Good to take into account when choosing your new workplace!

But isn't life super expensive?

We often get the question: “Nice those high salaries, but isn't everything much more expensive in Switzerland?” Yes, life is more expensive there than in the Netherlands. But here's the good news: if you act normal with your money, you can easily save between 1,300 and 2,000 euros a month! That not only means a nice salary, but also space to save for your dreams and ambitions.

Ready for your Swiss adventure?

Are you enthusiastic about these numbers? And are you ready to boost your career and savings account? Then check out our open vacancies or just take it directly contact with us. We'd love to tell you more about everything Switzerland has to offer!

Ben van Dee
Head of Recruitment & Accounting